Corrective Exercise is one of the most important components of a comprehensive exercise program. Regardless of athletic ability or fitness level, almost every person has some degree of dysfunction that increases the chance for injury. This could include muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility, or lack of core and joint stability. The Corrective Exercise Specialist trained by National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-CES) uses specific protocol to identify the problem (static and dynamic assessments) and implement an integrated corrective strategy (Corrective exercise continuum). This plan consists of 1) techniques that have the aim to release tension and decrease activity of overactive neuromyofascial tissues in the body, 2) techniques that aim to lengthen the tissues and increase your range of motion, 3) techniques that have the aim to reeducate or activate underactive tissues, and 4) integrative techniques that have the aim to retrain the collective synergistic function of all muscles.

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