Dr. Stuart McGill is a world wide-known expert in back pain, former professor of Spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo and chief scientific officer of Backfitpro. For 30 years he has explored low back mechanics and wrote hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific journal papers that address the issues of lumbar function, low back injury mechanisms, tissue loading during rehabilitation, and the formulation of work-related injury avoidance strategies and high-performance training. Dr. McGill has worked with some of the best athletes in the world and his advice is often sought by governments, corporations, legal experts, medical groups, personal trainers and sports teams from around the world.
Dr. McGill also published a couple of books and established courses that teach clinicians, trainers, coaches and performance specialists how the spine works and becomes injured/painful, by explaining anatomical, biomechanical and neurological aspect of the spine health. He also teaches how to perform and interpret provocative tests, how to identify aberrant motion and motor patterns and how to design and implement corrective exercise.
Dr. McGill is most famous for the “Big three” nonnegotiable exercises he recommends, which are exercises that he found to be the most effective for gaining spine stability, while still sparing the spine. However, besides movement techniques which aim to empower the client to move without pain, he also explains training the back for performance (either athletic or occupational), which requires different approaches and objectives than training to fulfill rehabilitation objectives. The development of movement/motor patterns, endurance, speed, and power within the principles that minimize back injury, or exacerbation of existing injury are work-shopped. Specific topics covered include building resilience, training capacity, and strength and speed techniques within pain-free progressions.