Posture assessment
Movement assessment
Fitness/athletic abilities testing
Pain assessment
Breathing assesment
General fitness/conditioning
Athletic enhancement
Corrective exercise
Exercise therapy
Youth training
My name is Dr. Dusica Dordevic, and I’m the Neuromuscular coach.
I use evidence-based, scientifically and clinically proven approaches, principles, methods and techniques of neuromusculoskeletal training and treatment to help you achive your goals, whether they are health-, fitness- or skill-related. I'm here to help you Feel better, Look better, and Perform better.
Neuromuscular training is training that addresses both neural and muscular components of movement. It aims to improve sensorimotor control, increase joint stability, treat muscle imbalances, correct posture, (re)establish proper movement patterns, decrease the chance of injury and enhance human performance. Neuromuscular training emphasizes the quality of movement; it challenges balance and coordination, but also affects mobility, strength, power, speed and local endurance. Neuromuscular training is the right choice for anyone interested in improvement of physical fitness components, injury prevention or injury/pain management.
A trainer and a coach are the terms that are usually thought to be the synonyms; however, there is a huge difference between those two. Essentially, training is about transferring knowledge while coaching is about enhancing knowledge or skills – it’s the development.
“A Trainer Lights a Fire under Someone.
A Coach Lights a Fire inside of Someone.
A Trainer Affects the Hour They are with Someone.
A Coach Affects the Hours They are not with Someone.
A Trainer Hopes to Get through the Session.
A Coach Hopes to Get through to Someone.
A Trainer Forgets the Job is not to Remind People about Problems.
A Coach Remembers the Job is to Solve Them.
A Trainer Stretches Your Legs.
A Coach Stretches Your Limits.
A Trainer Counts Your Reps.
A Coach Discounts Your Excuses.
A Trainer is Concerned with how Much Time You Put in.
A Coach is Concerned with how Much You Put into the Time.
A Trainer Wants You to Do Your Best.
A Coach Wants You to Do Better than Your Best.
A Trainer is Concerned More with How, Where and When.
A Coach is Concerned More With Who, What and Why.
A Trainer Works for a Paycheck.
A Coach Works for a Passion.
A Trainer Develops and Delivers Your Workout.
A Coach Creates and Cultivates Your Purpose.
Training is Something You Do to Someone.
Coaching is Something You Do with Someone.”
Trainers train people. COACHES CHANGE PEOPLE.
A coach will inspire, motivate, educate and guide you to become the best version of yourself.
CORE is the essence, the central, most important part of something. Nervous system is the core of our movement system. Muscles move our bones creating the movement in the joint, or stabilize our joints, but they do it only if the nervous system tells them to. Muscles are the effectors, nervous system is the commander. Training the nervous system is the key to your movement enhancement.
The term CORE is commonly used to refer to our trunk, or specifically lumbopelvic area, but anatomical CORE is defined as the axial skeleton and all the soft tissues that have their origin on the axial skeleton. Training the CORE is essential for the whole body functioning, since its stability not only protects the spine, but also enhances the function of upper and lower extremities and enables better transfer of force along the kinetic chains. CORE training is the cornerstone of my approach to enhancement of movement and pain relief.
CORE is an acronym that describes my approach to training:
Gaining neuromuscular control optimizes our movement and posture and makes our body and mind resilient to physical and other types of stress. Enhancement of quality of life is the result.
Finally, CORE is an abbreviation that describes what I do:
COnditioning and REhabilitation